Definition of Biotstatsitics
Item Info | |
Scientific specialization: | Veterinary Sciences |
Type: | |
Production date: | 2008-01-01 |
Target Group: | طلاب الطب البيطرى - الفرقة الدراسية الأولى |
Goals: | Defintions of common terms of veterinary sttistics |
Description: | A Lecturer on veterinary statsitcis from the chnpter one |
Keywords: | Statistics, Variable, Descriptive, Inferential |
Added Value: | Helping in understanding statistics |
No. Of views: | 5880 |
Author Info | |
Author Name: | mahroususama |
Degree: | Professor |
University: | Damanhour University |
Collage: | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - كلية الطب البيطرى |
Department: | Aniaml Wealth Development - تنمية الثروة الحيوانية |
E-mail: | |