chemical constitution and theory of dyeing
chemical constitution and theory of dyeing
Item Info
Scientific specialization:Department of textile printing and dyeing and finishing
Type:Learning Object
Slides Count :4
Production date:2015-08-01
Target Group:

the second semester for students of textile printing and dyeing and finishing department


by the end of this course, students should know the scientific and technical information about dyeing and technology of textile fibers


Course Name is tinctures technology and code regulations is scheduled in 2111 and is taught in the second semester for students of textile printing and dyeing and finishing department. This set consists of 12 lectures.

Keywords:theory of dyeing
Added Value:

Technology of dyeing

No. Of views:194
Author Info
Author Name:طارق محمد سعيد ابو المعاطى
University:Damitta university
Collage:Faculty of Dentistry - كلية طب الفم والاسنان
Department:Textile printing and dyeing and finishing - طباعة المنسوجات والصباغة والتجهيز